CHAIN Endpublikation EN - page 16

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Visit Heineken Beerbrewery ’s-Hertogenbosch. Starting with a presentation of the Heineken Company, a
plant tour and a product confrontation were on our agenda.
Light bulb moments
“No one is left behind – there are customized programmes for high school students, pupils at risk and also
school dropouts to enable them to work their way into the world e.g. the TOM project. Especially the TOM
project and the possibility to talk to young people there, showed that sometimes you just need to give the
people at risk a second chance, have an open ear for their problems and sometimes you just need to be a
“constant person” for a rough period in their life.”
“Also the large international company Heineken supports the regional projects. Whether (youth-)
employment or education, Heineken and many other companies have the same vision: employers are on
the lead.”
“The water factory is an example of a high quality and above all very practical education, within the
protected school environment. It‘s more than just a model in the school; it is a real company that is used
as a learning field.”
“Classrooms do not always consist only of benches and tables, an open space concept like in the Jeroen
Bosch College Technasium looks much more inviting and friendly than the average classroom in Austria,
and pupils seem to enjoy it too!”
“Career orientation and guidance should be team work of all stakeholders in school. At the
Rodenborchcollege we saw this great approach and we also should try to focus on that much more than
we already do in Austria. And I really appreciate, that the presenters were speaking openly about their
experience and also pointed out problems and not only the nice site of their daily work.”
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