CHAIN Endpublikation EN - page 8

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Stadt Graz – Abteilung für Bildung und Integration
The Department for Education and Integration is the legal entity of the public elementary, secondary
modern and special schools in the city of Graz. It is responsible for all non pedagogic affairs of these school
types. It has special interest in improving the connection between school and enterprises for giving better
job-chances to young people.
NMS/BG/BRG Klusemannstraße
The BG/BRG/NMS Klusemannstraße is a school located in the western part of the City of Graz. Besides
giving pupils a classical general education and conveying cultural techniques and key qualifications, it is a
matter of great importance to them to give pupils the space to experience themselves as active, critical
members of a democratic community. It is their daily task to accompany children from all levels of society
with different cultural backgrounds in the process of growing up and growing into the community of adults
as well as to provide them with creativity, sophistication, respect for others and the courage to make use
of their freedom.
NMS Graz Webling
The school NMS GrazWebling is a school on the secondary level inGraz. Because of the long-time leadership
as a secondary school, which has intensively dealt with the combination of teaching the subject orientation
and integration into working life, they have very strong interest in collaborating with the industry. This is
demonstrated by the willingness of various companies and institutions dealing with youth employment to
come every year - in collaboration with career guidance teachers - at the school and introduce them and
tell the students about important issues of their field of business.
Bezirksschulrat Stadt Graz
The Bezirksschulrat is in charge of the lower secondary schools in Graz and is the school inspection
authority of the city. The tasks of the Bezirksschulrat are mainly the controlling and monitoring of schools.
They also support the schools in their efforts in realizing different projects and measures. Especially the
cooperation school – company and the therefore necessary network is supported by the Bezirksschulrat.
There is an already existing network consisting of institutions and companies, e.g. Billa, Magna Steyr,
Chamber of commerce, Public labour market service.
The Federation of Austrian Industries Styria is a voluntary lobbying organisation for the industry with the
focus on the manufacturing sector and the industrial environment. It provides a network and comprises
380 members. The Federation of Austrian Industries acts as a cooperation platform for Styria’s industry and
therefore represents 80% of Styria’s industrial workforce. It is committed to active participation in society
and therefore is interested in well-educated students applying for apprenticeship jobs. The Federation of
Austrian Industries is interested in taking lead in industrial policy discussions on a national level and, if
interests of Austrian enterprises are at stake, also on an international level.
Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft
The Styrian Association for Education and Economics ‚Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft‘, located
in Graz, Styria‘s capital, in Austria, generally aims at a strengthening of Styria‘s and Austria‘s educational
position within Europe, as well as supporting economic, social and societal developments of the future.
Education and economy is the main topic of the ‚STVG‘ pursued by offering seminars for students, trainees
and university students. The Syrian Association for Education and Economics is also involved in regional,
national and European projects at the interfaces and contact points of education and economy.
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