JOB Broschüre Project Timetable & best Practice Examples - page 6

18 best practice examples
In the following, we wish to share with you…
1. A feelgood school
2. Coffeeshop for parents
3. Direct connection to school
4. FIT (FreizeitInfoTafel = Leisure time information board
5. Girls’ group
6. Health Team
7. Information breakfast/information snack for parents
8. Low threshold
9. Participation / children and young persons
10. Quality circle: school social work
11. Reporting form Neukölln / feedback form
12. School entry project
13. Second chance
14. Social learning
15. “Staying cool – showing respect”
16. The buddY concept at Konrad-Agahd primary school: door buddies
17. The Buddy project – systematic social learning
18. Training of school mediators
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